17 March 2005

If you aren't outraged...

…you must not be paying attention.

What are people’s thoughts on the ‘nomination’ of Paul Wolfowitz (who, I’m sorry to tell you Pat and Jill, was raised in Ithica N.Y.) as president of the World Bank right after the appointment of John Bolton as the US ambassador to the UN. (He has spent the last several years talking about how much he hated the UN (not to mention the fact that he looks like he walked out of a text book on white colonialism in Africa)). I’m not putting links in here because every paper and news source is covering this in many ways.

And this is happening at the same time that we have decided to drill in Alaska: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/17/politics/17arctic.html?th or http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40670-2005Mar16.html and yes, if you are wondering, this is the same president who said a few weeks ago he was going to work on using alternative fuels and preserving the environment. Perhaps he forgot.

Also the republican party is attempting to make it so that they can unilaterally appoint judges. What a great, truly democratic idea, eh? What, again, is the point of having more than one party? What again is the reason we even have elections? Seriously… my heart hurts. I can’t find the article I read it in right now, but this one is related… interesting that only 10 of the 214 judges nominated have had problems getting through the Senate yet the Democrats are being blamed for the delay – perhaps these few judges just shouldn’t be nominated! http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/16/politics/16filibuster.html

But, it gets better, because it is also ok for the government to broadcast fake news. I’m sure you have heard about this, but here is the most recent article. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/17/politics/17video.html?th To me this sounds like Nazi propaganda and fascism… but, you can make your own call. Seriously, if you aren’t pissed off by now – you must not be paying attention.

So, what do we do? How can we fix it?

People are still dying in Sudan by the way, in fact the UN left many parts of Darfur last week. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4357021.stm Reminds you a bit about Rwanda. However, there is a bill to do something about this, so call your senator. Here is info on the bill (The Darfur Accountability Act). http://www.theorator.com/bills109/s495.html Call your senators and get them to sign on. There is also a hunger strike (one day between the 16th and 20th) here is info about that: http://talacon.com/rp/PointMapper/USA/MarchStrike/display.cfm (may not change policy, but may help you think about things). I urge everyone in the DC metro area to visit the Holocaust museum. There is an exhibit on Darfur, and an important exhibit on Eugenics and ‘Deadly Medicine’.

Good thing Bono just came out with a new sweatshop free clothing line, or I would think that everyone in this country was nuts. Who knew the ‘rock stars’ would be the one with souls?

Do something.